Published: 05/15/2014
Meat and dairy products form the basis of many Western diets. In fact, the popular perception is that a portion of meat and two glasses of milk every day will ensure good bones and muscle mass. However, many people are unaware of what actually goes into the cartons of ...
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Published: 05/17/2014
We all want to be healthy and even though many are following healthy dietary guidelines, they can still have serious health problems. Why is this so? One reason may be toxic heavy metals such as mercury, aluminium, cadmium, arsenic, lead, tin and other metal poisons that unfortunately are present in ...
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Published: 05/17/2014
Hormone imbalance is something that most everyone has heard about and is a big problem in our population as evidenced by all the pharmaceuticals out on the market to correct the imbalance. However, if you are leery of ingesting synthetic hormones it's good to know that you can probably ...